Home > Global search

Global search

You can search your products, transactions and clients through iOPharmaTM global search that can be found at the top of all pages.

  1. In the global search bar, choose the search category from the dropdown list.
  2. Fill in the keyword you want to search for, then click on the search icon.
  3. All results will appear in the page based on your search criteria.

 iOPharmaTM global search is a smart search that allows submitting different search criteria and show related results. See table below for search criteria that can be used in each search category.


 Search criteria

 My Products

 Product name
 CAS #
 Brand Owner

 My clients  Company Name
 Contact name


 RFQ number
 Product name
 CAS #
 buyer name


 POP number
 Buyer name 
 RFQ number
 Product name
 CAS #


 PO number
 Buyer name 
 RFQ number
 Product name
 CAS #
 SHO number                


 SHO number
 Buyer name 
 Product name
 CAS #
 PO number
 Destination address (Country and/or City) 

 QA reports

Shipment item (product name)
Buyer name 
SHO number


 Company name

See also
Getting started
Login details
Home page
My settings
Inviting your clients
My mailbox
My clients
Release shipments
QA Reports
Track history
Getting help