Home > Release shipments

Release shipments

You will receive a notification on the platform and by email once the buyer accepts terms and a Purchase order is generated in order to prepare your shipments for release.

  1. Navigate to ‘Shipments’ under ‘My filing cabinet’.
  2. Navigate to Pending my response’.
  3. Find the shipment order you want to release, click on ‘Details’  link to view products under this shipment.
  4. Click on ‘Shipment number’ link to view more details about this shipment order.
  5. Click on ‘Prepare batches’ link and create batches for the products included in the shipment order.
    • All quantities need to be prepared in batches in order to release the shipment. 
  6. Click on ‘Generate labels’ button to generate labels of the prepared batches.
  7. Once ready to release goods, click on ‘Release shipment’ button

 You will need to attach missing COA documents before release. 
 After releasing shipment, you need to wait for the buyer to confirm shipment receipt and perform QC testing on different batches of the received products.


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